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UCCE Master Gardeners of El Dorado County

Have a gardening question?


Master Gardener volunteers are available to help you solve your garden problems and mysteries.


Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Mon, Tues,Thurs and Friday. Closed on Wed.
311 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667


Leave a message on our office telephone: 530-621-5512, or use the “Ask a Master Gardener” option below. We’ll get back to you! Master Gardeners are also on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


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Master Gardener Calendar
Event Name Date
Rose Pruning 2/15/2025
Spring & Summer Vegetable Gardening 2/22/2025
First Saturday Garden Tour 3/1/2025
Grow your own Cutting Garden 3/1/2025
Growing Plants from Seed 3/8/2025

Get the Foothill Vegetable Planting Guide

The Foothill Vegetable Planting Guide is a two sided, laminated (if ordered for mailing) chart that displays the time-frame for planting the different varieties of vegetables that grow in our area. Planting and harvest dates used are guidelines only as the many microclimates in our areas vary from site to site as do annual weather patterns.

This guide was adapted for El Dorado County by a UCCE Master Gardener team and is based on an earlier planting guide developed for the Sacramento area by Dr. Robert F. Norris of the University of California at Davis.

Please fill out the Foothill Vegetable Planting Guide Order Form if you would like a guide.


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